Openings in AmI Lab @ CSE, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

About AmI Lab

The AmI (Ambient Intelligence) Lab led by Ke Sun will be established in CSE of the EECS Department at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in Jan 2025. We envision a future where devices, sensors, and processors are seamlessly embedded into everyday objects and spaces, creating intelligent systems that proactively adjust to individual needs through AmI. This vision guides AmI Lab @ UMich CSE on developing intelligent, cost-effective, deployable, human-centric, and trustworthy Mobile, Wearable, and IoT (MWIoT) systems.

Our specific aims include harnessing innovative sensing modalities—ranging from traditional human sensory sensors like microphones and cameras to extended sensory sensors such as ultrasound, radio/frequency signals, electromagnetic waves, biopotentials, motion sensors, etc.

Our goals are to: i). Enable novel applications through advanced sensing technologies; ii). Advance computational sensing techniques to enhance the capabilities and performance of MWIoT systems; iii).Address system bottlenecks in MWIoT ecosystems, ensuring efficiency and reliability.

About Positions

AmI Lab is recruiting Ph.D. students, postdoc students, undergraduate students, and research interns in the areas of Mobile, Wearable, and IoT systems starting in Jan 2025.

Ph.D. Students and Postdocs

AmI Lab is recruiting 2~3 Ph.D. students and potential postdocs in the areas of Mobile, Wearable, and IoT systems who would like to join AmI Lab @ UMich CSE in 2025 Fall. The candidates are expected to have a strong motivation towards studying multidisciplinary knowledge and potential experiences in the following focuses.

If you are interested in these positions, please email me ([email protected], [email protected]) with [Application] included in the subject. Please include the following information in the email:

  1. CV (PDF format)
  2. Transcripts
  3. Your availability (start date)
  4. (Optional) A brief statement about your background related to our focus and research interests
  5. (Optional) Links to your Github, Google Scholar, personal website, …
  6. (Optional) Research Statement